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The 1970's

1970:  Beta Sigmas help Install MTSU and Tenn. Tech.

Several Beta Sigma alums helped with the April 5, 1970 installation of the Sigma Chi chapter at MTSU.  Bob Mifflin, '63, was Chapter Advisor, and Frank Womak, Vanderbilt and Tenn.-Knoxville '41, assisted.  Ashton McWhorter, '44, helped prepare the chapter for the petitioning process.  Earl B. McClanahan, '44, the Tenn. Province Grand Praetor, gave the pledges their oath.


Two weeks later, for the April 19, 1970 Installation of the Sigma Chi chapter at Tenn. Tech:  Earl B. McClanahan again conducted the pledging ceremonies and began preparing the local chapter for I-Week.  The Beta Sigma Chapter performed the Ritual.  Tennessee Tech president Dr. Everett Derryberry, '29, formally welcomed the chapter to campus during the post-ceremony banquet.


1973:  Streaking down the Strip

A UT Daily Beacon writer noted that in the spring of 1973, streaking down the Strip was a fad.  He reported that "thousands of students would gather for several nights along the Strip to see which sorority would offer up its pledges for this new intramural event.  (As I recall, the Little Sisters of Sigma Chi actually provoked the most response.)"


Beta Sigma Alum Helps Lead New Colony at Univ. of South Florida

Erle Hall '50, was the Chapter Advisor for the local colony that started in 1974.  The chapter in Tampa was installed in 1979.


I-M Sports:  Domination

1976-77:  All-Fraternity  

1977-78:  All-University

1978-79:  All-University

1979-80:   All-Fraternity; 2nd or 3rd All-Univ.

(See History 1980s for more Domination


1979 Homecoming Champs with Kappa Delta

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