$727,548 Raised

​The Beta Sigma Chapter of Sigma Chi is returning to The University of Tennessee! The wheels are in motion to reestablish Sigma Chi as the preeminent fraternity on campus. As of January 6, 2020, we are now a recognized entity on campus. As with all re-installments, we must begin as a colony before we allowed to re-establish as the Beta Sigma Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity.
At this point, we have 50+ young men who have begun their pledge training with our great fraternity. These men have heard about the opportunity that we have and want
to be a part of something special.
We will be taking the house back at the end of May and will spend the summer cleaning and painting. It is our plan to have our colony members moving into the house beginning in the fall of 2020.
Unfortunately, getting a fraternity readmitted and taking back a fraternity house takes
a lot of funds. We are partnering with the Sigma Chi Foundation to raise the necessary funds so that donations will be tax-deductible. Our Beta Sigma Fundraising Committee has been formed and they will begin reaching out to brothers.
We need to have as many brothers involved in order to make this a successful venture.
It is our hope that you will give and mention this to others that you know who may be
able to give. I hope that you can help.
In Hoc,
Jason DeBord
Fundraising Doc
Thank You for supporting Beta Sigma Chapter

Each sponsored room will have a memorial plaque like the example above
Sleeping Rooms: $10,000.00 each / 21 total rooms 8 SOLD
President’s Room: $15,000.00
House Director: $15,000.00
TV Room: $15,000.00
Courtyard: $25,000.00
Chapter Room: $50,000.00
Dining Area: $20,000.00
Living Room: $20,000.00

Fund Raising Doc
All brothers that donate $1,000 or more will be recognized on a plaque in the house
Bobby Ogdin bobbyogdin@comcast.net
Dick Brower dickbrower@realtyexecutivestn.com
Breck Grover dbgrover1@comcast.net
Buck Schimpf brwnwhsky@yahoo.com
R.B. Summitt rbsummittii@aol.com
John Staley johnrstaleymd@gmail.com
Dennis McCurry mccurry@pinnaclemachine.net
Kem Hinton kemh.design@gmail.com
David Long dlong@lrwlaw.com
Lee Carter lee@cartergroupllc.com
Mike Ivens mivens@lrwlaw.com
Jeff Cunningham jcunningham@capstarbank.com
Dave Hofferberth dave.hofferberth@outlook.com
Tuck Tucker tucker1060@gmail.com
John Temple Tnwealthadvisor@gmail.com
John Felton JFelton@tba.com
Scott Davis swd444@gmail.com
Tommy Schmid thomas.n.schmid@icloud.com
David Richardson drichardson502@gmail.com
Andy Venable Andy.Venable@morganstanley.com
Scott Morrow rsmorrow@gmail.com
Todd Scott todd@smtops.com
Bill DuPree switchblade0801@gmail.com
Joey Nichols jnldr@yahoo.com
Allen Carter acarter@athensins.com
Michael Kohl mkohl_98@yahoo.com
Steve Sprinkle Wssprinkle@gmail.com
Whitfield Bailey wbailey@volunteerlumber.com
Spike McCamy gmccamy@me.com
Jay Bucher jay.bucher@outlook.com
Dee Gray deegray1993@gmail.com
Jason DeBord jason@smtops.com